第132章(1 / 3)

正在聊天的几个人,突然听到一阵悦耳的歌声,能听得出来唱歌的人没有什么技巧,但是声音很好听,感情也真挚,语气中有一种酒后的慵懒,能够吸引人安静下来听她唱。 权志龙一下就听出来是刘月汀的声音,因为这不是他第一次听她唱歌了。那年在sb的空中花园听她哼唱/红霞的时候他就觉得她的声音好听,今天从音响里听他觉得更加的有韵味,是很适合进录音棚的嗓子。 “这首很好听,没听过啊。月汀xi自己写的?”teddy凑过来问权志龙。 “我也没有听过,还不知道呢。”权志龙耸了耸肩,听着对方继续哼唱着, “i think it's almost 4am but baby i'm still feeling just fine ice all up in a plastic cup and i'ma keep on sipping all night, yeah i might a kissed a thousand lips but maybe that's just all in my mind some people never understand the way we live but we're living life uh huh, hey, uh huh, monday to sunday, it's never too late so everyone say, "we don't wanna stop!" cause after the afterparty, we're gonna keep it goin' we're gonna rip it up, the neighbours might complain cause after the afterparty, we're gonna stay 'til mornin' then when the time is up, we'll do it all again” …… 一旁的崔胜贤听着来了兴致,现场跟随着刘月汀的节奏开始b-box,psy和权志龙两个人开始了接力freestyle。 这就是一群音乐人聚会的样子,喝点酒,来了兴致可能就会产生一首好歌。 一边的teddy甚至连编曲要用的乐器跟音轨都想好了,恨不得现在手上就有一台混音器。 最后随着

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